Nativity 2015

Just to say thank you to all the children that took part in the Nativity. I know that everyone enjoyed the drama and how well everyone took their parts. Jennifer was excellent as a Narrator and worked really hard to be word perfect and I know everyone heard every word. Grace and Riley took their parts as Mary and Joseph very seriously and were also excellent. The Inn Keeper was also very convincing in her role. A thank you to Holly who also took her part very seriously and made a wonderful Gabriel and looked after all the younger but very beautiful Angels. The shepherds acted well and the Kings bowed very regally as they gave Jesus the gifts of Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh. I would like to thank all the Mums and Dads who brought them to rehearsal and for the support with Costumes and Props. Special thanks to Helen, Emily and Madelin who produced such a beautiful Star for the Nativity and also being helpful with all the Props. This wouldn't have happened unless I had the continued [Read more...]